The Novel War
The battle is fierce and frightening The unseen foe turned violent Breathless crowd chained their lives ...more
Ode To Monsoon
Adorned as the queen of seasons You reigned supreme over the souls of earth Oh! divine monsoon.... As odes, epics,...more
The Giant Microbe
Wherever we gathered blindly Nature gasped for breath Together we chased the time To conquer the world- Challengi...more
We make the world
Whom to blame when the world Drifts from its real goal? Fight between the strongest & the weakest The crooked ...more
Ode to Silence , Ring of Roses
ODE TO SILENCE The saintly sacred virtue Like the wild waves in the calm sea Non-violent response in all crisis ...more
Rain,The Big Banyan Tree
Rain Sweet showers ! How sweet You fill the air around me Drizzling touches all over Soaking the very soul Mergi...more
Muted Machine
As a fatal blow of the fate- Many sharp spears and swords Thrusted deeper thousand times Until the throne o...more
A poem on road accident
Ode To The Dear Departed... I remember it's on a hartal day- The dark evening of the first February; ...more
Stop not to stare
STOP NOT TO STARE On the move to the hills and valleys Tiresome trips on every day Tempting serenities on th...more