How lustrous the mornings are !
The flutterings and chirpings,
The dawn chorus of the cuckoos,
The robins, the thrushers and blackbirds.
When the chilly breeze gently
And zelously patting over the body,
A drowsy numbness of ease
Radiates through out…
It brings the scented blossoms
From far-off fields and
Scampered around in an ecstacy,
Diffusing ample serenity nearby.
When the Sun rays glided
On the snowy, dancing leaves,
The beaded drops shimmer
With the luminous beams.
The stream, flowing like a bride,
With a reddened face of shyness
Due to the reddened Sunkisses
That falls gently on the lusty body.
The squeaking of the children
Usually breaking the silence
And the thorps indulge once again
In laborious to fulfil the day.